Zaak informatie

Manages ZAAK attributes as well as ZAAKEIGENSCHAPs. A ZAAKEIGENSCHAP can have a dropdown menu associated with its EIGENSCHAP. The dropdown menu values are determined by zaaktype attributes. Editing a ZAAKEIGENSCHAP triggers validation done by the ZAC on the format of the value given by the user and the format as defined by the EIGENSCHAPSPECIFICATIE. Open Zaak does not validate this.


Manages related people. A ZAAK should always have a behandelaar and/or initiator (hoofdbehandelaar). An initiator will automatically be set to the user that created the ZAAK from within the ZAC. Deleting or changing (basically a delete and create) a (hoofd)behandelaar will store the old (hoofd)behandelaar in the oudbehandelaar to keep track of who was the (hoofd)behandelaar during which dates. Trying to delete a (hoofd)behandelaar will not be allowed if it is the only one. You can simply create a new hoofdbehandelaar, this will replace the current hoofdbehandelaar.


Adding permissions is zac.accounts.models.Role-based just like the zac.accounts.models.AuthorizationProfile. You can assign a user zac.accounts.models.AtomicPermission s based on the selected zac.accounts.models.Role and is limited by your own permissions. I.e., you can never grant a user more permissions than you have yourself.