ZAC forms (form key)

A Camunda user task can contain a form key reference. The following form keys are implemented by the ZAC:

  • zac:configureAdviceRequest: presents a form to the end user to select documents from the case to create an advice request, and allows selection of assignees.

    Upon succesful submission, the following process variables are set:

    • kownslUsers: a (JSON) list of user identifiers, e.g.: ["marte004", "beer001"]

    • kownslReviewRequestId: a (String) reference to the Kownsl review request created.

    • kownslFrontendUrl: the URL for end users to submit their advice.

    • kownslDocuments: a (JSON) list of document urls, e.g.: ["<uuid1>", "<uuid2>"].

    • emailNotificationList: a JSON of usernames or groupnames with an email notification flag (boolean).

  • zac:configureApprovalRequest: presents a form to the end user to select documents from the case to create an approval request, and allows selection of assignees.

    Upon succesful submission, the following process variables are set:

    • kownslUsers: a (JSON) list of user identifiers, e.g.: ["marte004", "beer001"]

    • kownslReviewRequestId: a (String) reference to the Kownsl review request created.

    • kownslFrontendUrl: the URL for end users to submit their approval.

    • kownslDocuments: a (JSON) list of document urls, e.g.: ["<uuid1>", "<uuid2>"].

    • emailNotificationList: a JSON of usernames or groupnames with an email notification flag (boolean).

  • zac:documentSelectie: presents a form to the end user to select documents for the camunda process.

    Upon succesful submission, the following process variables are set:

    • documenten: a (JSON) list of document urls, e.g.: ["<uuid1>", "<uuid2>"].

  • zac:doRedirect: grabs the redirectTo process variable, and redirects the user to this location. A ?state parameter is added for the receiving application, which is consumed when the external application redirects the user back to the ZAC.

    If you set the proces/task variable openInNewWindow to the boolean “true” value, then the page will be opened in a new tab or window, and the end-user can mark the task as completed.

    If you set the process/task variable endTask to the boolean “false” value the user will not see a window that allows them to finish the task. This is used in the current implementation for opening a related ZAAK from the main ZAAK.

  • zac:startProcessForm: grabs the URL-reference to the ZAAK in Open Zaak from the camunda process and uses it to fetch the appropriate form from the Objects API that holds the data template required to be filled in to start the camunda process.

  • zac:zetResultaat: this forms allows a number of checks to be done before a RESULTAAT is set on a ZAAK. URL-reference to the ZAAK in Open Zaak is grabbed and then the form feeds back all related open activities, checklist questions, camunda tasks, review requests and open documents to the user. It also allows the user to select what the RESULTAAT should be based of the RESULTAATTYPEs related to the ZAAK.