Access to the SCIM endpoints (N/A)

IMPLEMENTION ON HOLD AND CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE The ZAC implements the SCIM Interface (N/A) for user provisioning. The endpoints for this are themselves protected against unintended use.

To expose access to the SCIM endpoints, you should:

  1. Navigate to the ZAC admin environment

  2. Create a system user: Accounts > Gebruikers > Gebruiker toevoegen

  3. Pick any username, as long as it won’t conflict with a real human Active Directory username

  4. Pick any (strong) password

  5. Save the user by clicking Opslaan en opnieuw bewerken

  6. Find the section Rechten > Gebruikersrechten. In the search box, search for “scim” and select the “Can use the SCIM endpoints” permission.

  7. Save the user

  8. Next, navigate to Admin > Autorisatietoken > Tokens and click Token toevoegen

  9. Select the user that was created before and save the token

With the value of the token (“key”), the SCIM client can now make requests to the SCIM endpoints, using the following header:

Authorization: Token <key>

Note that the “<” and “>” characters should not be present, e.g. a real token would look like this:

Authorization: Token fe3f133828faec17036bbb0d2bed547321983bfd

The SCIM API root is available on the /scim/v2/ URL, for example: