Available forms

The ZAC presents some (dynamically generated) forms to its users.

Camunda forms

The ZAC handles two distinct flavours of form definitions: form key based, or form definition based. If a form key is present for a task, then this will be used. If it’s absent, then the form definition is used.

Form keys

A Camunda user task can contain a form key reference. The following form keys are implemented by the ZAC:

  • zac:configureAdviceRequest: presents a form to the end user to select documents from the case to create an advice request, and allows selection of assignees

  • zac:configureApprovalRequest: presents a form to the end user to select documents from the case to create an approval request, and allows selection of assignees

  • zac:doRedirect: grabs the redirectTo process variable, and redirects the user to this location. A ?state parameter is added for the receiving application, which is consumed when the external application redirects the user back to the ZAC.

Form definition

Camunda allows a user task to contain a simple form definition with primitive fields. These fields are implemented in the ZAC, and if such a form definition is present, the ZAC renders a form for the user to fill out. Upon submission, the user task receives the field values as process variables and the task is marked as completed.

Open Forms integration